產品分類 | The Product Category

產品分類 / The Product Category
    6. 尼龍印花方塊地毯;滌綸印花方塊地毯;尼龍簇絨方塊地毯;丙綸簇絨方塊地毯;特殊毯面

  公司生產尼龍6,尼龍66, 索羅娜, 羊毛, 滌綸等各類原材料的印花, 鴻鼎印花秉承質量為本, 客戶至上的原則, 遵循創新, 質量, 服務,價格為核心價值, 制作的印花地毯,一卷一條無接頭, 拼花無憂,色差無憂。深受廣大用戶喜愛。
HomeDec produces the printed carpets in nylon 6, nylon 66, Sorona, wool, polyester and other various types of raw materials, with principle of "quality first, customer supreme”,respect the core value of innovation, quality, service, price, can reach the quality level to one bale one piece, pattern match, no color difference, very welcomed by all kind of users.